Since 2001, they have enhanced the knowledge, skills, and behavior of over 160,000 professionals through their internationally recognized professional qualifications (awarded in association with Alliance Manchester Business School, the University of Manchester) or through accredited in-company training.

What does ICA stand for?

  • They uphold the highest codes of conduct, integrity, and ethics, including uncovering the spirit and intent of the regulation.
  • Reinforcing the ongoing need for transparency and openness
  • Encouraging independence of thought and judgment
  • Promoting a culture of ‘doing the right business the right way’ and encouraging constructive challenge to that end
  • Endorsing the value of education and continuous professional development
  • Sharing international best practice
  • Developing individual competency followed by earned empowerment
  • Supporting the fight against all aspects of financial crime
  • Promoting financial inclusion

“ICA is committed to increasing the knowledge and skills of regulatory and financial crime compliance professionals across the globe. They work across various sectors, including financial services, oil and gas, telecoms, betting, and gaming. As they see it, the key is to demonstrate the tangible benefits of investing in staff as part of an integral approach to combating the increasing range of risks they face. They constantly provide knowledge, guidance, information, and practical skills as part of an ongoing strategy to improve business performance. And to do this, they must seek global partnerships and alliances with regulators, firms, and local compliance associations. They aim to help individuals and firms continuously improve to face the challenges now and in the future.”

Contact International Compliance Association