Train Your Brain: A Conversation with Memory Expert & Athlete Sancy Suraj!

We are excited to bring you an exclusive interview with Sancy Suraj, a memory coach, and athlete. Sancy Suraj is a well-known name in the world of memory improvement, having trained countless individuals to enhance their memory performance. As an athlete, Sancy Suraj has also competed in various international events, showcasing the power of combining physical fitness and cognitive performance.

In this interview, we delve into Sancy Suraj’s life as a memory coach and athlete, discussing the benefits of physical exercise for cognitive function and memory, as well as tips for maintaining mental clarity and focus during memory training exercises. Additionally, Sancy shares his advice for creating an effective daily routine that incorporates physical exercise, memory training, and other healthy habits.

What inspired you to combine your passion for memory improvement with your athletic pursuits?

Thank you for this question. I have always been fascinated with the human mind and its incredible potential. When I was younger, I struggled with my memory and often felt frustrated with my ability to recall important information. However, I refused to let this limit me and decided to explore memory improvement techniques on my own. I was amazed at how quickly I was able to see results and improve my memory with consistent practice.

As an athlete, I quickly realized the importance of mental strength and the role that memory plays in athletic performance. Being able to recall plays, techniques, and strategies on the field is crucial for success. This led me to combine my passion for memory improvement with my athletic pursuits. I began incorporating memory exercises into my daily training regimen, and soon I was able to see a significant improvement in my performance on the field.

I believe that combining my passion for memory improvement with my athletic pursuits has allowed me to tap into my full potential and become a better athlete overall. Not only has my memory improved, but I have also developed a stronger mental focus and discipline. This has allowed me to push myself harder, overcome obstacles, and achieve my goals both on and off the field.

Overall, I am inspired to continue exploring the incredible potential of the human mind and sharing my knowledge and experiences with others. I hope to inspire others to explore their own potential and see the incredible benefits that come with developing mental strength and memory improvement skills.

How do you balance your training as an athlete with your work as a memory coach and trainer?

Thank you for this question. Balancing my training as an athlete with my work as a memory coach and trainer can be challenging, but it is something that I have learned to manage effectively over time. One of the key factors that allow me to maintain this balance is time management. I schedule my training sessions and coaching sessions in a way that allows me to make the most out of my day without overburdening myself.

Another factor that helps me manage my workload is having a clear understanding of my priorities. I prioritize my training and competition schedule, and I adjust my coaching and training sessions around them. This allows me to ensure that I am at my best when it comes to athletic performance, while also being able to provide my clients with the support and training they need.

Moreover, I have a team of dedicated individuals who work with me to manage my coaching and training business. This team takes care of the administrative and logistical aspects of my work, allowing me to focus on what I do best – training and coaching. They help me stay organized and manage my time more effectively, which is crucial in ensuring that I can give my best to both my athletic pursuits and my coaching work.

Finally, I believe that the key to balancing my athletic training and coaching work is maintaining a positive mindset. I see my work as a memory coach and trainer as a complement to my athletic pursuits, and I am passionate about both. I am constantly learning and growing, and I enjoy the challenge of finding ways to improve and balance my workload.

In conclusion, balancing my training as an athlete with my work as a memory coach and trainer requires careful planning, prioritization, and a positive mindset. With the right approach, I am able to manage my workload effectively and give my best to both my athletic pursuits and coaching work.

Can you share some of the benefits of physical exercise for cognitive function and memory?

Certainly. Physical exercise has been shown to have a range of positive effects on cognitive function and memory. One of the main ways in which physical exercise benefits cognitive function is by promoting the growth and maintenance of brain cells. Exercise stimulates the production of a protein called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which is involved in the growth and survival of neurons in the brain. This, in turn, can help to improve cognitive function and memory.

Physical exercise has also been shown to increase blood flow to the brain, which can help to improve the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to brain cells. This increased blood flow has been linked to improvements in cognitive function and memory, as well as reduced risk of cognitive decline and dementia.

In addition, physical exercise can help to reduce stress and improve mood, both of which can have a positive impact on cognitive function and memory. Stress and anxiety have been shown to impair cognitive function and memory, so reducing these negative emotions through exercise can help to improve mental clarity and memory retention.

Finally, physical exercise can also help to improve sleep quality, which is crucial for optimal cognitive function and memory. Getting enough high-quality sleep is essential for consolidating memories and processing information, and physical exercise can help to promote better sleep quality by reducing stress and increasing physical fatigue.

Overall, physical exercise is a powerful tool for improving cognitive function and memory. By promoting brain cell growth, improving blood flow to the brain, reducing stress, and improving sleep quality, exercise can help to support optimal brain function and memory retention.

“Exercise is not only a workout for your body, but also a workout for your brain. By promoting the growth of brain cells, increasing blood flow, reducing stress and improving sleep, physical exercise helps to unlock the full potential of our cognitive function and memory.”

What advice do you have for people who struggle with finding the motivation to exercise or engage in memory training exercises?

Thank you for this question. Finding the motivation to exercise or engage in memory training exercises can be challenging for many people. However, there are several strategies that can help to overcome this challenge.

Firstly, it can be helpful to set realistic goals and create a plan of action. By setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals, individuals can have a clear understanding of what they want to achieve and how they plan to achieve it. This can help to provide a sense of direction and purpose, making it easier to stay motivated.

Secondly, it can be useful to find an accountability partner or join a supportive community. Having someone to share progress with, offer encouragement, and hold you accountable can make a significant difference in staying motivated. Joining a group of individuals who share similar goals can provide a sense of belonging and help to keep motivation levels high.

Thirdly, it is important to focus on the benefits of exercise and memory training exercises. Rather than thinking of them as a chore, individuals should try to reframe their thinking to view these activities as opportunities to improve their health, well-being, and cognitive function. Focusing on the positive outcomes can help to make the activities more enjoyable and increase motivation levels.

Finally, it can be helpful to incorporate variety and fun into exercise and memory training routines. Trying new activities or incorporating elements of playfulness can make the activities more engaging and enjoyable. This, in turn, can help to increase motivation levels and make it easier to stick to a regular routine.

In conclusion, finding the motivation to exercise or engage in memory training exercises can be challenging, but there are several strategies that can help. By setting realistic goals, finding an accountability partner, focusing on the benefits, and incorporating variety and fun, individuals can overcome the challenge of staying motivated and make exercise and memory training a regular part of their routine.

Can you tell us about a particularly memorable experience or competition that you’ve participated in as an athlete or memory expert?

Certainly, one of my most memorable experiences as an athlete and memory expert was participating in the World Memory Championships. The competition involves various memory tests, such as memorizing a deck of cards, a sequence of binary digits, and names and faces. It was an incredible experience to compete against some of the best memory athletes in the world and push myself to the limits of my cognitive abilities.

One of the most memorable events of the competition was the speed cards event, where competitors have to memorize a shuffled deck of cards as quickly as possible. I managed to complete the task in just over 30 seconds, which was a personal best for me at the time. It was an incredible feeling to see all of my hard work and training pay off in such a tangible way.

Another memorable experience was competing in the Spartan Race, an intense obstacle course race that tests both physical and mental toughness. The race required me to use both my athletic abilities and memory skills to navigate the course and complete the challenges. It was an incredible experience to push myself to the limit and overcome obstacles that I never thought I could.

Overall, these experiences have been incredibly rewarding and have taught me the value of perseverance, discipline, and mental toughness. They have also been a testament to the power of combining physical fitness and cognitive training, as both are necessary to achieve success in these types of competitions.

“Pushing the boundaries of our cognitive and physical abilities is where true growth and memorable experiences lie. It is through the combination of discipline, perseverance, and mental toughness that we unlock our full potential and achieve greatness in both athletic and intellectual pursuits.”

Sancy Suraj’s passion for memory improvement and athletic pursuits started early on in his life. He was fascinated by the human brain and how it worked, leading him to study neuroscience in college. It was during this time that he discovered the power of memory training and how it could help individuals improve their cognitive performance. Sancy Suraj’s interest in sports also led him to become an athlete, competing in various international events and winning numerous accolades.

When asked about how he balances his training as an athlete with his work as a memory coach and trainer, Sancy Suraj emphasized the importance of discipline and time management. He shared how he creates a schedule that allows him to prioritize time for physical exercise and memory training, making it a natural part of his routine.

Sancy Suraj also highlighted the benefits of physical exercise for cognitive function and memory. He discussed how physical activity can increase blood flow and oxygen to the brain, helping to improve focus and concentration. Sancy Suraj also shared his tips for maintaining mental clarity and focus during memory training exercises, emphasizing the importance of relaxation and stress management.

What are some of the key skills and qualities that are important for success as an athlete and memory expert?

Success as an athlete and memory expert requires a combination of physical and cognitive abilities, as well as certain key skills and qualities. Here are some of the most important ones:

Discipline: Both athletics and memory training require a high degree of discipline and commitment. Athletes need to stick to a rigorous training schedule and maintain a healthy lifestyle, while memory experts need to devote significant time and effort to practice and memorization exercises.

Mental toughness: Both athletes and memory experts need to be mentally tough, able to push through physical and mental challenges and maintain focus and determination even in difficult circumstances. This requires a strong mindset, resilience, and the ability to stay calm under pressure.

Strategic thinking: Memory experts need to be able to think strategically, developing effective memory techniques and strategies for different types of information. Similarly, athletes need to be able to think tactically and adjust their approach depending on the situation.

Continuous learning: Both athletics and memory training require a commitment to continuous learning and improvement. Athletes need to stay up to date on the latest training methods and techniques, while memory experts need to stay on top of new research and developments in cognitive science.

Goal-setting: Setting clear goals and working towards them is an important skill for both athletes and memory experts. This requires the ability to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals and to develop a plan of action to achieve them.

In conclusion, success as an athlete and memory expert requires a combination of physical and cognitive abilities, as well as certain key skills and qualities such as discipline, mental toughness, strategic thinking, continuous learning, and goal-setting. By developing these skills and qualities, individuals can achieve their full potential in these fields and unlock new levels of performance and achievement.

How can people apply the principles of discipline and focus from athletic training to their memory training?

Discipline and focus are key principles that are important for success not just in athletic training, but also in memory training. Here are some ways people can apply these principles to their memory training:

Consistency: One of the most important principles of athletic training is consistency, which means sticking to a regular training schedule and staying committed to your goals. This same principle applies to memory training, where consistency is key to building and maintaining strong memory skills. By committing to regular practice and memorization exercises, individuals can improve their memory skills and achieve their goals.

Goal-setting: Setting clear goals is an important part of both athletic and memory training. By setting specific and measurable goals for their memory training, individuals can create a clear roadmap for their progress and stay focused on achieving their objectives. This can also help to maintain motivation and provide a sense of accomplishment as they reach each milestone.

Mental toughness: Building mental toughness is a key aspect of athletic training, as it helps athletes push through physical and mental challenges and stay focused on their goals. This same principle applies to memory training, where individuals need to develop mental toughness to stay focused and committed to their training even when it becomes challenging or frustrating.

Mindfulness: Mindfulness is a practice that involves staying present and focused on the task at hand, and it can be a powerful tool for both athletic and memory training. By practicing mindfulness during memory exercises, individuals can improve their focus and concentration and strengthen their memory skills.

Feedback: In athletic training, feedback is essential for improving technique and performance. The same applies to memory training, where receiving feedback from a coach or mentor can be invaluable for identifying areas for improvement and refining memorization techniques.

In conclusion, applying the principles of discipline and focus from athletic training to memory training can be a powerful way to improve memory skills and achieve goals. By adopting a consistent practice schedule, setting clear goals, building mental toughness, practicing mindfulness, and seeking feedback, individuals can develop strong memory skills and achieve their full potential.

Can you share some tips for maintaining mental clarity and focus during memory training exercises?

Maintaining mental clarity and focus during memory training exercises is essential for improving memory skills and achieving success. Here are some tips to help individuals maintain mental clarity and focus during their memory training exercises:

Start with a clear mind: Before beginning memory training exercises, it’s important to clear your mind and remove any distractions that could interfere with your focus. Take a few deep breaths, do some stretching or light exercise, and eliminate any unnecessary distractions like electronic devices.

Use memory techniques: There are a variety of memory techniques and strategies that can help improve memory and increase focus during training exercises. These techniques can include visualization, association, and repetition, among others. By using these techniques, individuals can create strong mental connections between the information they are trying to remember and their own personal experiences, making it easier to recall the information later.

Stay organized: Keeping your training exercises organized and structured can help maintain mental clarity and focus. This can include using a specific notebook or digital platform to keep track of memorization tasks and progress, breaking tasks down into smaller, manageable chunks, and setting clear goals for each session.

Take breaks: It’s important to take regular breaks during memory training exercises to prevent mental fatigue and maintain focus. This can include short breaks to stretch or move around, as well as longer breaks to rest and recharge.

Get enough sleep: Getting enough sleep is essential for maintaining mental clarity and focus during memory training exercises. A lack of sleep can cause mental fatigue and impair memory function, making it more difficult to recall information.

In summary, maintaining mental clarity and focus during memory training exercises is essential for improving memory skills and achieving success. By starting with a clear mind, using memory techniques, staying organized, taking breaks, and getting enough sleep, individuals can optimize their training sessions and achieve their memory goals.

What role does nutrition and sleep play in brain health and memory improvement?

Nutrition and sleep play critical roles in brain health and memory improvement. Here’s how:


The brain requires a constant supply of energy to function correctly, and the food we eat provides that energy. A healthy diet, rich in essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, can help protect the brain from damage and promote healthy brain function. Foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish and nuts, have been linked to improved brain health and memory function.

Research also suggests that specific nutrients, like choline, folate, and vitamin B12, play essential roles in memory function. A diet that’s deficient in these nutrients can lead to memory impairment and cognitive decline.


Sleep is crucial for memory consolidation, the process by which memories are stored and strengthened in the brain. During sleep, the brain replays the neural activity associated with newly formed memories, strengthening their connections and improving recall.

Sleep deprivation, on the other hand, can impair memory function and cognitive performance. Research suggests that even a single night of sleep deprivation can have a significant impact on memory consolidation and recall.

Moreover, sleep deprivation can also have a negative impact on overall brain health, leading to increased inflammation, oxidative stress, and even damage to brain cells.

In summary, a healthy diet rich in essential nutrients, particularly omega-3 fatty acids, choline, folate, and vitamin B12, can help promote healthy brain function and memory improvement. Sleep is also critical for memory consolidation and overall brain health. To optimize brain function and memory performance, it’s essential to prioritize good nutrition and adequate sleep.

How can people create an effective daily routine that incorporates physical exercise, memory training, and other healthy habits?

Creating an effective daily routine that incorporates physical exercise, memory training, and other healthy habits requires careful planning and commitment. Here are some tips to help you create a routine that works for you:

Set realistic goals: Start by setting realistic goals for your physical exercise and memory training. Be specific about what you want to achieve and set achievable targets. For instance, you can aim to walk for 30 minutes every day or memorize 10 new items on your memory list every week.

Prioritize time: Create a schedule that allows you to prioritize time for physical exercise and memory training. Make it a habit to exercise and train your memory at the same time each day, so it becomes a natural part of your routine.

Mix it up: Variety is key to staying motivated and engaged in your routine. Incorporate a mix of different physical exercises and memory training exercises to keep things interesting and challenging.

Incorporate healthy habits: In addition to physical exercise and memory training, incorporate other healthy habits into your daily routine, such as healthy eating, getting enough sleep, and reducing stress. These habits can help support your brain health and overall well-being.

Track your progress: Keep track of your progress by using a journal or an app to record your physical exercise and memory training achievements. Celebrate your successes and use setbacks as opportunities to learn and improve.

Remember, creating an effective daily routine that incorporates physical exercise, memory training, and other healthy habits takes time and dedication. Be patient, stay motivated, and enjoy the journey towards improved brain health and memory performance.

“An effective daily routine that incorporates physical exercise, memory training, and healthy habits is not just a task, but a commitment to prioritize our brain’s well-being, and a testament to our dedication towards a better and healthier future.”

In conclusion, Sancy Suraj’s expertise in memory improvement and athletic pursuits is truly inspiring. His passion for the human brain and how it works has led him to become a renowned memory coach and athlete, helping countless individuals improve their cognitive performance. Sancy Suraj’s insights into the benefits of physical exercise for cognitive function and memory, as well as tips for maintaining mental clarity and focus during memory training exercises, are invaluable for anyone looking to enhance their brain health and memory performance. We hope that this interview with Sancy Suraj has provided you with valuable insights and inspiration for your own memory improvement and athletic pursuits.